
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Robert's Book-Pick of the Week: A Spy in the White House - Capital Mysteries #4 by Ron Roy

I have always liked books by Ron Roy, and this book is no exception:

A U.S. president is always on the news, and there is always someone in the world speaking about the Leader of the Free World.

In “A Spy in the White House”, our president is soon to be married to an ordinary citizen about to embark into her historic role as the First Lady in the White House. That is exactly what is about to happen to youth-detective K.C. Corcoran’s mother. As you can imagine news reporters, photographers, and television networks from around the world crowd the president buzzing him questions faster than he can answer them. They ask him questions from A-Z (pun intended), and the president is trying to answer their questions as best he can. However, when a reporter asks the future first-couple where they will be spending the honeymoon, the president refuses to answer on account of privacy. Yet, when the story appears in the newspaper the very next morning -along with the thousand of questions that were asked - the secret location of their honeymoon is revealed. It is feared that there is a security gap in the White House. K.C’s best friend Marshall Li surmises that a bug was planted somewhere in the private chambers of the White House. Mysteriously, nothing was to be found! As the investigation proceeds, K.C. and Marshall question the news reporter who asked the president this personal question as well as printed the answer about the honeymoon location in the paper. The reporter claims that she got that piece of unauthorized information from an anonymous man with a scratchy voice over the phone.

Now it is up to K.C. and her best friend Marshall to find the mystery man. Although this roller-coaster mystery book by Ron Roy is no Hitchcock thriller, it will keep you in suspense of the answer until the very end. Ron Roy did a fine job in writing another enjoyable novel. The characters are well-developed, the story is very intriguing coupled with superb writing. It is a book that can be enjoyed by children of all ages.

ratings on a scale of 1-100: Robert Steven Mack 96/100

Copyright 2010 by Robert Steven Mack

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